Hirsitalojen rakenteet

Frequently asked questions

We have collected frequently asked questions to this page with answers. If you can’t find the answer to your question from the list below or want more information about our houses and cabins, please contact us to info@pluspuu.fi

Yes they can. Pluspuu house collection consists of well-designed modern cabins and holiday homes that can be used as a vacation home or a permanent home.

The non-settling log permits the use of a wide range of advanced architectural solutions and structural details, such as windows and doors without covering strips. While the non-settling log system is more expensive than the lamella log, the difference in price is compensated by the fact that no allowance needs to be made for settling and there is no need for post-construction adjustment of screw jacks, windows, doors, etc. Non-settling logs are made of spruce or pine.

Pluspuu offers pre-designed house models or can customize the designs to fit your lifestyle, location, and landscape. Pluspuu strives to appeal design conscious customer and provide an aesthetically pleasing product to your heart’s desire. Choosing a pre-designed model saves time in the process. Small adaptations using the pre-designed models do not significantly increase the costs.

The construction of a Pluspuu house is always a collaborative project in which the customer and the dealer will map out and agree on the best possible operational model. Pluspuu will recommend a general contractor or builder with high reputation for the construction of your home. Pluspuu will work with the customer for designing, manufacturing, and delivering the home kit to the build site. The general contractor or builder will undertake all phases of the construction process from foundation to finishing to deliver the home as a turnkey project. The customer can choose from a fully turnkey project with our builders or undertake parts of the project on their own and use our builders as needed.

For the best possible solution, please contact our log house expert already at the beginning of your project. Our expert dealer can give you valuable information to take the project forward.

The design phase will depend on whether you choose a pre-designed model or customize. It can take up to one month for designing a fully customized model. Once the customer has an approved model and design we apply for the building permits which can take up to two months depending on your city and location. The order of the Pluspuu house kit can be made only after receiving the building permits. Upon receiving the order delivery time for the kit to arrive the build site is approximately three months. From the beginning of a concept to delivering the kit to the build site will take up to six months. It is recommended to order the house at least six months prior to the desired delivery time, the earlier the better.

Every construction process is unique with multiple variables. Therefore, giving exact price for the construction process is difficult. Pluspuu homes are priced competitively in the marketplace and usually will be less expensive compared to other manufacturers for high end design and quality homes. Pluspuu expert dealer can provide with more precise cost-estimate during your first project planning meeting.

134 mm diameter logs are sufficient for a recreational house that is left unheated or only occasionally heated during the winter as well as for sauna buildings. 202 mm diameter logs are used for houses that are kept heated all year round.